"All About Me" Staycation

Ok, I know that sounds a bit selfish. An "All About Me" Staycation? Well ... that's basically what it turned out to be.

A couple of months ago, I realized I had collected over six weeks of vacation. I wasn't trying to collect that much. It just kinda happened. So, I looked at my calendar and decided to find at least three good weeks to escape the work world.

My plan involved spending most of that time with my girls ... when Natalie was in town and not on summer visit with her father. Those two weeks are later this summer, and I'm looking forward to planning some fun stuff with my girlies.

I also scheduled one of the weeks off while Natalie was on summer visit with her father. I sorta figured I would travel somewhere solo, to explore new things, enjoy some quiet time, and seek fun in new places. Well ... most of that did happen. Except for the part about the travel.

Why? I dunno. Lack of planning, maybe? Funny thing is, a good part of my life's work involves project management, planning, organizing events, helping people meet important project deadlines, etc. So you'd think I could plan a small trip for myself ... right? But no. Didn't happen. Or at least when I made a pithy attempt at researching travel destinations, I just couldn't get excited about spending a bunch of money to go somewhere new. Or maybe I just couldn't get excited about spending a bunch of money to go somewhere solo ... new or not.

But ... I was determined to have fun, explore new things, enjoy some quiet time, and seek fun in new places ... local places. So, I pulled out my "Get Busy Living" list and decided to use that as a loose guide for finding fun things to do.

And it was good.

More than good ... it was great! Why? Because of the new activities and places I explored? Kinda. Sorta. But mainly because ... I did ...

Exactly. What. I. Wanted.

With no guilt.

I don't think I realized how much I needed this until my Staycation was almost over.

I learned quite a bit from this Staycation. I learned how to focus on me, which helps me learn about me, which helps me be a better me. For me, and for you. I also think it's a prerequisite for planning a meaningful solo travel adventure. Although I enjoy (and generally prefer) experiencing new adventures with others, I want to be courageous enough to try it alone. At least once.

In the meantime, I hope you'll stay tuned to hear about my week long celebration of life, friendship, food, and creative expression. My Staycation 2012.


P.S. Got any Staycation experiences to share? How about solo travel adventures?


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