Get Out of Jail FREE Cards

This Vault entry was inspired by a particularly stressful and disappointing week in the work world (thus the need to revisit the cards). I recently shared the list with a couple of friends who were also having down moments/days. In past years, I would actually make a (more personalized) set of cards for friends who seemed to need them. Last night, I shared with another friend how God helped me (and maybe others) with these cards. My friend encouraged me to post or share these truths somewhere more public than my Facebook page. So here ya go. I hope they bless.

Below are a set of index cards with "truths" on them that I wrote to help free me from a prison of people-pleasing co-dependency and perfectionism. They are based on John 8:31-33. They were referenced often and became quite dog-eared. I made them several years ago ... probably early aughts (2000s for those who wonder). The idea was born a couple of years earlier while working through some stuff with a wonderful Christian LCSW therapist.

When I thought the time had passed to constantly carry them around, I thought perhaps I didn't need them anymore.

Yeah, right.

The cards varied over the years, but the most current version of cards is listed below in no particular order. The #s are for reference only.

  1. My worth as a person is not based on what I do.
  2. I don't have to be perfect. I can face myself and accept the fact that there is both good and bad in me.
  3. Other people can know my faults and still accept me.
  4. I will be the best (mother, wife, friend, employee, student, etc.) I can be, and I'll leave the rest up to God.
  5. Yes, work and family and things are sometimes challenging, intense, and difficult ... but I know that God is with me, supporting me ... for He chose me.
  6. I will do my best for those I care about, but I can't make things perfect for them.
  7. I'm allowed to have down days. Down days are not failures ... just down days.
  8. The people I love and care about are ultimately responsible for their own lives. I'll hurt them if I try to take care of everything for them.

... and one more card ...
Yes ... I am unworthy of God's gifts, but He doesn't ask worthiness of me. He accepts me as I am. There is something infinitely beautiful and lovely within me because I am God's child. I am so precious to God that He gave His Son for me. I'll accept and claim that loveliness in myself. I can do that because Christ made it possible. — quote from some book I read, but I don't remember the title.

Jesus said to the people who believed in him, "You are truly my disciples if you keep obeying my teachings. And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

"But we are descendants of Abraham," they said. "We have never been slaves to anyone on earth. What do you mean, 'set free'?" - John 8:31-33, NLT 


PS What would you add to this list? What traps or untruths are holding you back?

Photo by Mark Strozier (


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