Jesus, can I hold you?

Yeah, yeah ... I know. I still need to tie up my Staycation series. I will. I promise.

In the meantime, I pulled another one from The Vault. This one is a snippet from a 1998 Christmas letter. I thought this would be a good follow-up to the Hold Me Jesus theme of my last post.

What I find I enjoy the most about Natalie right now is the age of her affection. The other day, she crawled up on my lap and asked, “Mommy, can I hold you?” For a whole 5 or 10 minutes, she just sat on my lap and hugged me, kissed me, caressed my hair, and adored me. Much to my delight, she also allowed me to shower her with lots of hugs, kisses, and affection. This is kind of unusual for Natalie because Natalie happens to be a very busy young lady with a limited attention span. Ordinarily, she’s usually just too busy to give any one person lots of attention. So…this 5 or so minutes brought with it precious joy…not just because she was hugging and kissing me, but also because she let me pour out my love upon her in return. What we shared was a beautiful moment of parent/child intimacy that no one can ever take away from us.

On reflection of this treasured moment, I began to understand that this too is what our Heavenly Father wants for us…beautiful moments of parent/child intimacy. He invites us as children to crawl upon His lap, hug Him, seek His face and adore Him (…O, come let us adore Him!). When we take time out of our busy life to praise, worship, pray, read His Word or simply appreciate His presence and delight in who He is, we begin to enter into those moments of Father/child intimacy that no one can ever take away from us. And, because our Father in heaven loves us so much, He truly delights in our praise, our hugs, our kisses and our affection for Him and returns it abundantly to us when we open our heart and allow Him to pour out His love upon us. This is precious joy!

This time of year we are often asked, “What do you want for Christmas?”

“Lord, I want to experience Your precious joy. Please give me a childlike faith so that I can come to you and ask ... Jesus, can I hold You?”


P.S. That busy little girl is 16 now and getting ready to start her junior year of high school. Gosh that went fast! It's been awhile since she crawled into my lap, but she's still super sweet and she's still giving her Momma hugs.

Not exactly sure what age "Ms. Hollywood" is here. I'm guessing a bit
older than the time frame of this story, but it's super cute and one of the few
pics I have from the early years. Costume and photo credit go to her sister.


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